
2021-12-17 15:43

I have engaged in changing my workstation from Fedora to FreeBSD 13.0. I am using a Debian virtual workstation in my KVM cluster to supplement this transition. I have, at this point, landed on Fluxbox for the window mananger, and that is working out pretty well so far. You do forget all of the moving pieces of your primary workstations till you start over from scratch.

2021-05-28 15:43

I have changed my design away from a docker/podman environment to a FreeBSD jails solution. With my recent attention to FreeBSD patching and zfs experience; it made sense to me to expand this project to include FreeBSD and a jail configuration to achieve my goals. At this point, the web systems are running on Nginx and FreeBSD jails.

2019-10-21 14:53

I have been able to include a background image in the header. This is a repeat of an old favorite picture that I have taken often near Delta River Park in Lansing, Michigan. I am looking though my older pictures to find a more Winter/Fall styled picture for the footer at this time. I am learning and remembering as I go. I am hoping there is more to come. Soon, I will need to deploy this web site via Containers via Podman.

2019-10-13 15:20

         1. The Plural of Datum
         2. (used with a plural verb) individual facts, statistics, or items of information.
         3. (used with a singular verb) a body of facts; information.

2019-10-13 04:13

I am beginning to see there has been a lot of changes to the HTML code especially via CSS. The ability to format and get your layout looking nice is a lot easier than it was, oh so many years ago. I am still doing a lot of watching videos, and doing google searches to get the new bits. I do feel like I am moving forward; but, I am getting the feeling that there is a lot of ground to cover with all of these changes.

2019-10-12 00:18

Just a bit more information, at work we are deploying a infrastructure based on RedHat's OpenShift. This is a bit of the reasoning for my experimenting with Podman (and originally Docker meaning I was using Docker not that Podman replaced Docker as an application), and this site will give me working content to run through my automation process I am trying to setup with just Podman. Later, I think i will be replacing this with a deployment of the upstream infrastructure that OpenShift draws from, I will update this post with that projects name when I find it again.

2019-10-11 23:55

This is the day I am relearning HTML and Cascading Style Sheets. It has been a long time since I have worked with HTML. Lets see how this goes. This is a working part of my expanding learning of RedHat's Podman (a Docker replacement) deployment. As this web site will be stored with in my personal GIT repository and when new Nginx image for this site is pulled or this Site is updated the automation process will update the server with the most current version of this web site from the GIT repository. I am starting off with embedded CSS tags at this point, as I am picking up where I left off so many years ago.

This site will include tad001.net and www.tad001.net and will exist within its own Nginx Podman image. I am also planning on updating and revising games.tad001.net which will live in its own Nginx image as well. The front end will be a Nginx acting as a reverse Proxy to direct the web requests to the correct Nginx images. More on that later.